Patient’s Age: 72-years-old
Admission Date: 01/09/19
Admitted From: Methodist Hospital
Discharge Date: 09/03/19
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 8 Months
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation for Hip (rods were inserted)
How did this patient hear about The Chateau at Brooklyn Rehabilitation & Nursing Center? Resident’s wife and daughter toured and researched skilled nursing communities; selected The Chateau upon completion of their research.
Details of experience:
Mr. Santo Cuccia was admitted to The Chateau At Brooklyn Rehabilitation Center on January 9, 2019. Prior to being admitted to the Chateau, he was admitted to Methodist hospital due to the fact that he tripped and fell at home. When he arrived at the emergency room, they discovered that he broke his hip and they informed him that they thought surgery would be the best option for him to recover fully and properly. After surgery, Mr. Cuccia was in recovery for months. His recovery was delayed due to episodes of vision loss. During his initial rehabilitation in a different facility, Mr. Cuccia and his wife were unhappy with the services offered and his progress. They believed they could find a rehab center where he could have a better rehabilitation experience. He spoke with a family friend who recommended The Chateau. Soon after, they made arrangements for him to transfer to The Chateau.
Upon arriving at The Chateau, Santo was very happy to see how nice the building looked and how pleasant the general environment was. After staying in the hospital and being bothered by the noise around the clock he was so happy to come to a quiet and peaceful place where he was able to regain his thoughts and think about what was ahead for him. The staff were very kind and welcoming and explained to him the process that they would use to ensure that he achieved his maximum rehabilitation outcome. Although there were some other clinical challenges, starting from the first day he arrived he was determined and excited to start this path to recovery.
Throughout this whole process, Mr. Cuccia was extremely happy with the staff at The Chateau, he was extremely happy with his physical therapist, Parita, and with Niagwa, his occupational therapist. Something that really amazed him was that when he got discharged from the hospital his doctors told him that he would probably have to be on oxygen for the rest of his life, but after working with our respiratory therapist, Arietta, he is now safely off of the oxygen! Santo also shared, “you guys have an excellent therapy team and the most amazing staff!”
Mr. Santo will be going home within one week and we wish him all the best and many more years of continuing to play with his grandchildren and always being there for his family and friends. Here at the Chateau we will really miss having him around but we are comforted by the fact that he is home and healthy enjoying with his children, grandchildren, family, and friends.