Patients Age: 58-years-old
Admission Date: 8/31/18
Admitted From: Maimonides Medical Center
Discharge Date: 11/20/18
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 3 months
Reason for Stay: Accident
How did this patient hear about The Chateau at Brooklyn Rehabilitation & Nursing Center? A social worker at the hospital
Mr. E. Calame entered The Chateau at Brooklyn Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in August 2018 after a stay at Maimonides Hospital following a car accident. Mr. Calame is a young man who arrived to the hospital, not sure if he would ever walk again. He had broken his pelvis and some parts of his spine, but was lucky to not be paralyzed. The doctors weren’t sure what level of independence he would be able to get back to, but they told him that if went to a good rehabilitation center, there would be hope for him to someday walk again. He spoke to the social workers at the hospital and they recommended that he come to The Chateau, where previous patients of theirs were rehabilitated from similar post traumatic situations. After sending his family to take a tour, he was very happy to hear what they reported to him and then decided to come to our community for rehabilitation.
Upon admission to The Chateau, Mr. Calame was greeted by the staff who tried to make him comfortable and reassured him that everything would be okay. Although he was very nervous, he tried to keep a positive outlook and focus. When he arrived, he was all bandaged up and had a pelvic external fixator in place to make sure that all his bones would stay properly heal. This made him a little uncomfortable; however, the staff did whatever they could to keep him happy and calm. When the rehabilitation team first met Mr. Calame, he was unable to move or do anything on his own, his needs were all taken care of by the staff. Although he was unable to move from the bed, the therapists started working with him to slowly get his process started. He knew it would take time but he was willing to do whatever it took to become independent again.
Once the fixator was removed and Mr. Calame got the “okay” to start participating in full rehabilitation services from his doctor, he hit the floor running and woke up bright and early every morning to get to the gym. From not being able to put any weight on his lower limbs to slowly being able to stand and then walk on the parallel bars, every day he was making small improvements and starting to see that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. As the weeks went on, he was seeing major improvements and was soon walking with a walker with minimal assistance and then started walking without any devices at all.
Prior to his discharge, Mr. Calame sat with the staff to discuss how grateful he was for all of the wonderful care he received as a resident here.
Mr. Calame stated, “After my car accident I thought my life was going to be over. I was taken straight to the hospital where they told me that I broke many bones and weren’t sure if I would ever be able to walk again. However after a few weeks there I healed up enough for them to want to send me out. They told me to try The Chateau since they heard great things about it and said if anyone could help me it would be them. I must say that I was very nervous going to a rehab center since I’m a young and have never been to one before. However, from the moment I arrived I knew everything would be alright the staff that greeted me were so nice and kept reassuring me that all would be good in the end. From my first day working with the rehab when I couldn’t even wiggle my toes till the day that I left walking on my own two feet everyone was so patient and respectful and let me heal at my own pace. While there I also loved getting involved with the activities which kept me entertained at all times. My family was very grateful for the free chauffeur service that picked them up daily to visit me and brought them home when they were done. Although I arrived with very low expectations I left with so much respect for The Chateau and for what they do for their patients. Thanks to them I am able to walk again independently and without any devices which is something I never thought would be possible. I would highly recommend this facility to anyone who is in need of getting fully rehabilitated.”
In November of 2018, Mr. Calame was discharged home with his family and friends. He was walking independently on his own two feet! His whole family came to escort him home and his mother was beyond grateful that she brought gift baskets for all the staff that helped. The team was so proud to have been involved in his journey and told him that he must come back to visit when he gets some time!